Types Of Solid

TYPES OF SOLID :- ■ AMORPHOUS SOLID An amorphous solid is a substance in which atoms, molecules or ions have a random and non-…

How Does Evaporation Cause Cooling?

COOLING EFFECT OF EVAPORATION :- Evaporation  is a surface phenomenon where any liquid can release its molecules in the air by u…

factors affecting evaporation

FACTORS AFFECTING    EVAPORATION :- 🖋 SURFACE AREA :-  Greater the surface area, more is the rate of evaporation. 🖋   TEMPRATU…


EVAPORATION:- 👉  The processs of conversion of a liquid into vapour at any temprature below its boiling is called evaporation…

Latent Heat Of Vaporization

LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION:- ⤍  It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to change 1 kg of the liquid into vapour …

Latent Heat Of Fusion

LATENT HEAT OF FUSION:-       👉  It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to cahnge 1kg of a solid  into liquid at…

Latent Heat

LATENT HEAT :- The heat which is given to the system during a phase change and which is not used in raising the temprature is ca…

Movement of pollen grains | Brownian motion

MOVEMENT OF POLLEN GRAINS IN WATER :- The best evidence for the existence and movement of particles in liquids was given by  R…

Comparision of three states of matter

PARTICLE MODE OF THREE STATES                   Following properties of particles decide the state of matter 👉 Intermolecular d…

Rigid and Fluids

RIGID:- Rigid means 'unbending' or inflexible. A solid is a from of matter so that it maintains its shape when subject…

Substance definition,types and meaning

ð›°« SUBSTANCE :         A substance is a kind of matter that cannot be separeted into other kinds of matter by any physical  pr…

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